This time of the year is busy for everyone.
For me. For you. For our parents. For Santa. For teachers. For Everyone! Â Seriously, even my 2 year old’s social calendar is full this December.
There are parties to attend. Presents to wrap. Food to prepare. The list goes on and on.
During the crazy and in the busy it is so easy to lose sight of what we are really celebrating: the birth of Christ. My bible study group is doing the She Reads Truth, Advent 2017: Joy to the World. It is exactly what I need to keep my focus on the real reason of the season. And the cherry on top; it’s so pretty! The creative team at She Reads Truth is incredible. This devotional is filled with beautiful calligraphy, hymn, and recipes. What a perfect combination of this time of year! I look forward to my evenings when the house is quite, the tree is lite, and I can enjoy a moment of silence  with my devotional (and a glass of wine.)
If you want to start now it is not too late to join. The devotionals are not long and you can quickly catch up. Another reason I love it!
Advent 2017: She Reads Truth, definitely a must-have!
Side note: if you decide to join, make sure you download the app! It has a great devotional section that’s the perfect addition to the study.

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