We can plan photo sessions for our kids and completely control when we take them. However, life doesn’t happen in perfect lighting, okayyy. It’s so bright at their birthday party. Ponies are typically out in the full sun when we are taking photos of our kids on them. The soccer game is also in full sun giving your images all these weird shadows. I get it. Life happens in bad lighting! This is why today I am sharing 3 tips to taking a good photo in a bad light.
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Tip 1: Take the photo in bad light
Like I just said, life happens in bad lighting. That does not mean it’s not worth capturing, just because the light is bad. So, tip #1 to taking a good photo in bad light is to know the photo isn’t going to be “picture perfect.” The soccer games, sliding at the park, and playing egg-toss at field-day at school. We can’t move these things to good lighting just for a photo (trust me, I’ve tried. You don’t make friends this way.) So, what do we do? Capture a couple of photos, and then put our camera away. Don’t worry, I have a plan for good photos! See tip #2.
Tip 2: Move them to the shade for good light
No, we can’t move the bases at the t-ball game so that the game is in better lighting or ask them to please adjust the outdoor stage at graduation (even though they might need to talk to you about this before setting it up, just saying.) What we can do is get good photos before or after the event! Photos of your kids with their ribbons on field day. A photo of your kid with their friends eating ice cream. Have them move to the shade for these photos. This will get you a good photo of the day without squinty eyes or weird shadows. But wait! We aren’t done. There is something you need to do once they are in the shade.
Tip 3: Shoot towards the light
Ok, so we have moved them to the shade. I don’t know why we tend to do this, but if it’s a building casting the shade, we put the children in front of the building. If it’s a tree, we put them in front the trunk of the tree. While this is ok, I have something better for you to try. Place your kid’s beside whatever is casting the shadow. That way the background will have some pretty light in it! This is far better than a brick building. The exception to this rule is when the building is white- that tends to reflect light and make for a really good image… but no more tree trunks in the photos, please.
So there you have it! 3 Tips to Taking a Good Photo in Bad Light. Let go of what you can’t control, get a photo in which you can control the lighting, and shoot towards the light when you are in the shade. Now it’s time to get photographing!
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