More of a visual learner? Watch today’s video here.
Ok, things are getting real today. Welcome to Camera Roll Control Day 3! It’s time to get organized. Like, LEGIT organized.
- Did you know your photos are already organized by date on your phone? There are albums already made for you on your iPhone. Go watch the quick video to see how to access it.
- Now that you know to see your photos nice and organized, Choose ONE YEAR to clean up first. It can be any year! I know, I know, you’ve been cleaning up photos for 15 minutes for the last 2 days and they may or may not be the year you want to focus on. It doesn’t matter. From this point on, only work with ONE YEAR. You can choose 2020 because we all know how wonderful it was. π€ͺ Or you may choose another year that is special to you. It doesn’t matter- just choose one and COMMIT to getting that year organized TODAY AND TOMORROW. Are you committed? Good! Keep going.
- You can clean up your photos in the car line, at the Starbucks drive-thru, or while waiting at the doctor’s office. If you REALLY have a lot of photos, maybe take the next 2 days off from social media until they are all cleaned out. I promise once you get started- it goes faster than you think. You just have to do it one photo delete at a time (not true- you can delete tons at once and I recommend you do!)
- Delete duplicates, memes, screenshots, etc.
Don’t forget, keep sharing with your friends what you are doing and tag @kaylabrint !
You’ve got this! Today is the hardest day of the challenge. If you can do this, you can have it made!

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