It seemed like the moment I began taking photos of my son and posting them on social media, I started getting asked, “Kayla, can you teach me to use a DSLR camera?”
No. No I couldn’t.
At that time I was an educator and a new mom. I had been taking photos and was a rather well-known photographer in my town for many, many years. So, educator + photographer + mom = the perfect person to teach other moms to use their cameras, right?! Wrong. Very wrong.
As I began to wrap my head around how complex the camera actually was, the more I began to convince myself that I simply was not the person to teach others how to use a camera. I wanted to find some resources to send them to… naturally, I turned to YouTube. And o.m.g. After watching 2 minutes of the first video I realized that ANYONE could do a better job than that particular person was doing. They were using words that most people had never heard of like they were as common as “banana” or “coffee.” The next video was just as bad but with better sound. Better sound doesn’t make the information any better. It was then that I knew I could do better. I HAD to do better.
It was in that moment I realized, it is not hard to learn a DSLR camera. It is hard to teach! If someone would just break it down in words that people could understand, anyone could learn it. Well, I decided that day that I was the person for the job. So, I began. I would take my baby to my mom’s for a couple hours here, a couple hours there between feedings, and I would sit at Starbucks. I watched a million videos on YouTube to see what they were doing and how I could improve upon it. I read article after article on the basics of a DSLR. From there, I just started typing until my new mom body told me it was time to feed my child again. The next opportunity I had, I went back to Starbucks and picked up where I left off.
This was before I had a studio. This was before I went full time as an educator. I was still teaching high school. I was a new mom. This was the very, very beginning for me (in so many ways.) I’ll never forget the day I taught my first class. I was sweating the entire time. “Will my method work?” I thought to myself. “Will they walk away from this class feeling as though they wasted their time and money?” I feared. The next day the tiny Facebook group was filled with beautiful photos that the students had taken with their DSLR on manual. They did it! They understood. I was so relieved and overcome with joy.
I taught moms over the next 2 years to use their cameras. I’ve perfected my method, and I LOVE sharing it. As time went on, people started inquiring about business photography. Moms were attending my class for their business as much as for their children. I even had a couple people come who didn’t have kids themselves but they desperately wanted to learn for their business. The need grew.
I didn’t know when I started my photography education journey that I would EVER be teaching entrepreneurs. EVER. It was not on my radar. Now, here I am again. Studying. Researching. I’ve spent hours upon hours questioning, surveying, and researching the needs for entrepreneurs when it comes to photography.
Registration for my first class closes TODAY! T.O.D.A.Y!
I am over the moon thinking about how this is going to radically changed the game for so many people. I’m not even being dramatic when I say this can change lives. Don’t believe me?
Taking better photos + having a solid social media plan = Selling more products. Products sold = Making more money = LIVES CHANGED! (See, told you I wasn’t being dramatic.)
Most of my followers are not entrepreneurs. I know that. But you all know someone who is. You all know someone who is a baker selling beautiful cookies out of their kitchen. Or maybe you know someone who created beautiful embroidery, or someone who has an amazing Etsy shop but needs help getting great photos of their products. You have a friend who works full time but needs to leave that job because she has an amazing side hustle. That’s who this class is for. I made this class for you, side-hustler, entrepreneur, small-business owner, influencer, and dreamer.
You can do it. I’m here to help.
Registration closes for Entrepreneur Photography School TODAY (Wednesday, October 10.) Sign up or share with a friend.

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