Holiday Photo Traditions



Here is the thing: no one wants to look at Santa Clause photos and photos that scream the holidays when it’s July and 100 degrees outside. We just don’t. Every November, I open up my studio for my annual Simply Christmas Session. The number one question I get asked is, “should be dress ‘Christmas”ey”‘ or not?” The answer lies in what you plan to do with the photos. If you want to look at the photos all year long, avoid the “holiday” look. However, if you want to use them for some fun holiday photo traditions, go all out Christmas. What’s holiday photo traditions, you ask? I am so glad you did because today I am going to dive into 2 of my favorite things to do with holiday photos.

Framed Photos

Y’all, I am all about a Santa picture and have paid big money to get the perfect shot with Santa. However, I’m not looking at Santa all year long on my selves no matter how good my kids look. My holiday tradition is to frame the photo of Santa or any photo I take that scream Christmas and pack them away when I put up the Christmas decor. Every year I have so much fun getting the framed prints back out. Wow, how much kids change and grow in a year’s time. Bonus: it really takes the holiday decor to the next level.


My trees is filled with small photo ornaments of my boys. Every year I take one their photos, print it, and put it in the frame. These ornaments give me such joy, y’all. I will be listening to Christmas music, decorating the tree, and it always surprises me when I find the ornaments from years past. It one of my absolute favorite parts of our tree.

Every year, I go on a hunt for a photo Christmas ornament. Hard rule: it much have the year on it. Pottery Barn is my go place for this. They have never failed me. I didn’t start this tradition until my son way 3. So, I had to search for ornaments in 2018 with 2015, 2016, and 2017. I ended up creating on my own ornament of I highly recommend them if you want to make some ornaments from years past.

So there you have it! My 2 favorite holiday photo traditions. Do you have one? If so, comment it below!

Want to your kids to enjoy taking photos more? Click here to sign up for my FREE training 3 Tips to Get Your Kid to Smile at the Camera.





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