I am almost done listening to a book that has moved me so much that I giving my review of it even before I am finished. Is that even allowed?
First, let me tell you how I stumbled across the book.
Who goes to book stores and doesn’t like to read? Me. That’s who.
I just posted this exact line on my social media pages. I continued to go on about how I didn’t read a single book that I remember as a child or even in college. I definitely wasn’t reading for pleasure or personal growth. I was drawn to book though. For some reason that I can’t really explain with words, I admired people who read. So, I would go to bookstores, browse the aisles, and end up studying or wasting time on my phone. I just loved the book store.
It wasn’t until I was exhausted and bored with my phone did I finally pick up a book that was given to me when I was 12. It had followed me all of these years. It even went to college with me but it was unopened… never read. Over a decade later, I dusted it off and started to read it. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stones. I was 26 at the time and I never will.
I’ve read the whole Harry Potter series and after I was done, I went to a small mourning period. How can they just be over? One of my good friends once said that she believe in heaven there are book series that never end. At the time, I didn’t understand why that was such a big deal. I definitely understood when I finished the last page of the last book of the Harry Potter series.
So, I started looking for other books to read. This happen to be the exact time I was starting my business. To say I needed help was the understatement of the year. I searched for the top business books and I started reading, reading, reading.
I am now very familiar with the business book section both locally and online. I know which ones I want to read next. I can recognize the covers from miles away.
A few weeks ago I was at Lifeway, a Christian bookstore, and full disclosure, I don’t go there unless I am getting myself a bible study. I’m in a season of reading business books and you won’t find those at a Christian bookstore… or will you? I was walking past an end-cap and book cover caught my eye. I’d seen that book before recommended in some business groups I’m in. I knew I had to read it… if for no other reason than curiosity. Everybody Always, by Bob Goff.
I don’t know why this book isn’t a New York Times Best Seller. In my head, it is… and here is why.
The book is simply about how a man is striving to be more like Jesus. He’s not putting Jesus in a box or making any excuses. The author, Bob Goff, if just striving to treat others like Jesus did when he walked this Earth… and Mr. Goff is hilarious! I laughed so many times and found myself listening with a grin from ear to ear (I listened to this book on Audible. The author narrates it and does a great job!)
I can see why this is a Christian books. I mean, the book is about how a man is trying to be more like Jesus. Can you get more Christian than that? Honestly, though, I wish it was a requirement to breath air that everyone had to read this book. The believers, non-believers, everyone. Believers should read it so they can be inspired by how this man (the author) has totally changed his life to be Christ-like in modern times. The drastic measures he apologetically took. And honestly, how simple most of them where.
I wished non-believers would read it only so they would get an idea for Jesus really is. Not the judgmental, radical, and harsh person that society is trying to make him out to be. That’s not Jesus. I think this man’s attempt to become like Jesus in the 21st century paints our Savior in a whole new light that was even refreshing for me. I needed the reminders in this book what it means to be his hands and feet.
The book is title Everybody Always because he spends the whole book describing how we are suppose to love everybody always. The highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows. And he’s not kidding, either. He went out of his way to meet a man of pure evil to simply be Jesus to him. Gives me chills!
Like I said, I’m not done with the book yet. That last few chapters have been hard to me to listen to because they have pulled at my heart so much. I am making sure I am alone and free from distractions for the last 15 minutes I have left to listen. Also, it’s really hard to explain to a 3 year old why I am blubbering like an idiot while listen to a nice man’s story over the speakers of the car. The book has deep but pretty funny for 90% of it. Mr. Goff makes up for lost time in the tear department at the end of the book, I tell ya.
This is boa ok of stories of man’s approach to being like Jesus in the 21st century that should inspire Christians world-wide. Make this your next read and you’ll be better for it. I know I am.

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