My Family Yearbook



Ok, it’s no secret that I take a lot of pictures of my son. If you’ve followed me for more than a week, you’ve seen a photo (or two… or five #sorrynotsorry) of Worth. I have thousands of just him. Yes, I said thousands, and as I’m typing this he is only 2 years old. You may be thinking, “Kayla, what on earth are you doing with them?!” Well, I asked my self the same question after his first birthday and I was starting at a screen full of photos I cherished but didn’t have printed. I mean, there were so many that I don’t have enough walls in my home to display them. What’s a girl to do?!

 Kayla Brint Photography Texarkana Wedding Photographer

 Kayla Brint Photography Texarkana Wedding Photographer

This is when I started making an annual family yearbook. I’m about to nerd out here – bare with me. I wanted to take my best work of my son and put it together like a “masterpiece.” Something my son could cherish forevermore; his mother’s greatest works. But then I realized something: I wasn’t in any of the pictures I had taken (duh!) As much pride as I take in my work, I know that actually seeing photos of me will be more valuable to him than just photos I had taken of him and his dad. So, I purchase the digital files when I hire a photographer for our family session, and I include those as well.

 Kayla Brint Photography Texarkana Wedding Photographer

Every time I make a big purchase (and an album is definitely an investment) I ask why. Why am I doing this? Of course, I am doing it for selfish reasons. #noshame I want to show off my pride-and-joy (my family) to everyone that walks through my door. I want to be able to open this album in 1 year, 5 years, and 20 years and see how time has changed us all. These are certainly the albums that will catch my tears in a few years when my now 2 year old loses his baby fat. These are the albums that will be at his weddings. But more than anything else, this is my family legacy. These albums will be seen for generations to come. I hope as they turn the pages they are inspired to keep up the tradition. They are truly an heirloom.

 Kayla Brint Photography Texarkana Wedding Photographer

Mom, you work hard every day of the year for your family. You obsesses over what they eat, their health, what they wear, if they are getting enough sleep, and everything in between. Some days are simply exhausting. On those days, I look at my albums. I see how my hard work is truly paying off. You deserve that too.

If you want to learn more about my heirloom albums, I’d love for you to come see them in person. It’s one of those things have you have to hold in your hand to appreciate. Contact me to learn more!







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